Since 2017 is coming to a close, I've been reflecting a lot lately about this past year. If I had to describe the year 2017 in a sentence, I'll admit the first thought I had was, "this year has been really hard." The more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed to add, "and rewarding" to the end of that sentence. One of the things I love the most is writing in my journal every night. I was reading from one of my journals the other night, and I came across an entry where I was describing a Sunday School class. Someone in the class that day commented, "I think that we go through trials when the Lord feels we are ready to grow." That struck me, and as I thought back on my year, I realized that my growth during this tough year has come SO slowly and in such small steps that I had barely noticed it at all. When I really took the time to think about it, it was almost like it was staring me right in the face. I decided the best thing I c...