How can I be enough?
I've asked many times before
You tell me I have strength,
But my weakness is so much more
I'm reserved, shy, and impatient
And prone to self-doubt too
These weaknesses stand in the way
Of what I know I should do
My mistakes, my missteps are many
Falling short I will always be
I strive daily to give my best
But it is not enough you see
How can I be enough?
I plead, eyes filled with tears
My Savior answers me with love
To silence all my fears
I look upon your weakness
And I am filled with love
You see, weaknesses help you remember
That true strength comes from above
Of course your mistakes are many
But I get to watch you grow
Step by step you have come so far
Though we have so far to go
I wish for you to remember
That within, you have my light
As you follow in my footsteps
It will grow ever so bright
Your strengths are gifts from above
That I have made a part of you
Ask in faith, I'll open your eyes
So you can see them too
Your efforts are imperfect
But I see you try your best
Child of God, I am your Savior
So let me take care of the rest
You see the here and now
But you know where you came from
I knew you then, I know you now
And I know who you can become
How can you be enough?
My child, it's simple you see
Walk with me, improve each day
And you'll stand in awe of how great you can be.
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