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What I Learned in 2018

I know that 2018 has been over for more than two weeks now, but better late than never? Ironically enough, I was working on setting 2019 goals with my third graders last week, and one of mine was to try to publish my writing once a month, so this is me sticking to my New Year's Resolutions!
     2018 was a year that tested me and stretched me in many ways. It was a year filled with change, and full of growth. This year taught me so many important lessons, three of which I hope to encapsulate in this post.
    Lesson #1: 2018 reminded me to cherish my family. 
    Looking back on 2018, one of the first things I realized was that I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time individually with my parents and siblings. I've learned that my relationship with each member of my family is a little bit different. Abby brings out my carefree and fun side and always makes me laugh. Hours feel like minutes when I'm with Abby, because I am never bored! Jenn is the first person I go to when I need fashion, or dating advice. She's the best person to ask, because she will tell it like it is, while always keeping her trademark sense of humor and wit! Amy and I have always had pretty much identical interests and now we have the same job so we can always relate to each other. She has the most caring heart, and can always pick me up when I'm down!
    Before 2018, I really wasn't used to having much individual time with just my parents, because there was always a sibling or two around. Spending so much quality time with them these past few months has been the BEST. It's funny how we don't realize how cool our parents are until we grow up! They are funny, kind, selfless, compassionate, and so easy to talk to about anything and everything! I've always loved my family, don't get me wrong, but 2018 gave me an entirely renewed appreciation for my parents, sisters, and brothers in law!
Visiting Jenn and Dallin in Idaho!
Trip to the Grand Canyon with Amy, Riley, Jenn, and Dallin! #bucketlist
The highlight of my summer with Abby: front row seats to HAMILTON in DC!
Lesson #2: 2018 taught me to trust what might not make sense YET. 
    I didn't expect to move across the country in 2018, but sometimes life takes twist and turns that we just do not expect. To this day I still don't understand every facet of this decision, but I do know that I have loved my new job despite the adjustment and challenges a new job brings. I have made friends through an incredible ward, and spent cherished time with extended family. So maybe, the point of this lesson is that everything doesn't have to make sense for me to know that something is right. 

Lesson #3: 2018 taught me that even if I don't want to say yes, say yes anyways. You never know what might come of it. 
    In the year 2017 and into 2018, I struggled a lot with anxiety. There's no denying that anxiety is powerful, and for so long it dictated what I did, what I said or didn't say, and especially how I felt about myself. In 2018 I decided once and for all that enough was enough. I was able to accept the fact that anxiety will probably always be a part of me, but I decided that it wasn't going to be allowed to run my life anymore. It wasn't going to stop me from going to activities, talking to new people, or planning social gatherings. It wasn't going to force me to label myself as a failure or someone who would never  be good enough. Anxiety no longer has the power to force me to constantly doubt myself because I am not anywhere near perfect. 
    Now when I look in the mirror, I don't see shadows in my eyes. The light that I felt I'd lost has returned. I've tried new things that I never thought I would try, I've said yes no matter how strongly I was tempted to say no, and I've worked to build up my confidence rather than tearing myself down. I'm not perfect in this regard in any way, shape or form. Nonetheless, 2018 taught me that it is okay to simply be trying, and that I can make up for my imperfect efforts. I can hardly wait to see what the rest of  2019 has in store, because the first two weeks have been pretty amazing! 
Visiting Amy and Riley in Utah over Winter Break! 

Got to see our cute cousin Jensen after 18 months!!

First snow day of 2019! Yes Aunt Julie I stole your picture, please forgive me! 


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