When I was in seventh grade and started middle school, I learned that if you got straight A's during a quarter of the school year, you would get a huge medal and be recognized in an awards ceremony at school. If you got all A's and B's, you would get a certificate and still be recognized, but in my mind how could that compete with a medal? I made a goal that I was going to get straight A's and earn that medal. It took three quarters, but I accomplished that goal and was so excited. However, each quarter after that if I only got A's and B's, I felt like a failure and was so let down. I'd have these thoughts like, "maybe if I'd just studied harder for that one science test, I would've gotten straight A's." Or, "maybe I should've worked a just a little harder to understand my last math chapter and I would've gotten good enough scores to get an A instead of a B+." This pattern of thought c...