On Monday we were FINALLY able to move into the newly renovated BYU London Centre! It could not possibly be any more beautiful. It's located on Notting Hill in a huge Victorian style townhouse. I'll take some pictures to post on my blog soon, but it is incredible. On Tuesday morning, we were awakened by a chorus of alarms going off at 3:30 a.m. so that we could leave to catch our 5:40 a.m. train to Paris. We did so much in the 3 days in Paris that I'll just hit some of the highlights. 1. Sacre Couer. The Sacre Couer is a BEAUTIFUL church in Paris that is located up on a hill. You can hike up to it and take in not only the beautiful church but the incredible view of Paris. Funny story though, at all of the major tourist attractions in Paris you will find scammers trying to sell you things. As we were hiking up the hill, this man was trying to sell us friendship bracelets. I shook my head and tried to keep walking, but he grabbed my arm and tried to put one on me loudly cl...