One of my goals for myself for the semester has been to write in my journal every day. I've been doing a pretty good job so far! Last night, I was thinking about the quote that is on the cover of my journal by Marjorie Pay Hinckley that says, "Everything you are learning now is preparing you for something else. As I was lying in bed about to go to sleep, I started thinking about what I have learned in my short 19 and a half years of life and came up with a pretty good list!
1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. It's interesting, because I know a lot of people have one single experience when they realized that the Church was true. For me, I've kind of always just known. I've had experience after experience that have confirmed to me time and time again that the Gospel is true. Seemingly small things such as, hearing a quote that seems to be directed right at me, feeling the Spirit during a lesson at Church, receiving comfort and guidance from the Holy Ghost, seeing my prayers answered, and so many others have built my testimony and continue to build it. Not a day goes by when I am not so grateful to have the Gospel in my life!
2. Heavenly Father's plan for me is better than any plan I can make for myself. When I applied to college two years ago (CRAZY right), I embarked on what is known as the decade of decisions. I was fortunate enough to get accepted to BYU and BYU-I. I went back and forth and prayed more fervently than I ever had before. I felt that the Lord needed me at BYU. My next big decision was deciding on a major. I wanted to be a music education major. I never felt totally settled about it, but applied to the program and did not get accepted, by a very small margin. I decided instead to be and Elementary Education major. I prayed about my decision and did not get a strong answer either way, so I decided to continue with it. I started major classes this semester, and the Spirit has confirmed to me that I am in exactly the right program! It's such a great feeling! I am already so excited for my future career! I have a lot more big decisions to make over the course of the next few years. It's so comforting to know that the Lord has a plan for me! I'm glad that I learned early on in this period of my life that his plan is better than any plan I could make for myself!
3. Music is so powerful. Some of the greatest experiences of my life have involved music. Music speaks in a way that nothing else can. I am so grateful that I was blessed with musical talents. The Lord has provided me with so many ways to use them, and I have no doubt that he will continue to do so throughout the remainder of my life. Singing and music bring me joy in a way that nothing else can. I know that the Spirit can be felt through music, and that is such a blessing in my life.
4. We all need the Atonement. I can't even put into words how much I need the Atonement, for so many reasons. First of all, I make mistakes every single day. Because Jesus Christ was perfect, I don't have to be perfect. I can repent and be forgiven. What greater gift could I possibly ask for? In addition, no matter what I am going through, I am NEVER alone. There is always someone who understands through firsthand experience. What an incredible blessing that is! Finally, the Atonement has an enabling power. Whenever we are feeling like we don't have the strength to accomplish something, we can be strengthened through the enabling power of the Atonement. I use the Atonement every single day and am so grateful for it!
5. Prayers are answered, even if it's not in the way we expect them to be. I know without a doubt that the Lord hears our prayers. Sometimes when I pray, my answer is simply "be patient," something that is not always easy for me, but it's always worth it.
6. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Sometimes in life things don't go the way that we want them to. Life was never meant to be easy. However, every curve ball that is thrown our way comes with a lesson that our Father in Heaven wants us to learn. We will come out on the other side better than we ever thought we could be. He truly loves us and wants us to learn as we are tested in this life.
I know there are more lessons but these are just a few! I am so thankful that everything I am learning now is preparing me for something else!
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