This blog post is going to be a little bit personal, but I just really want to share some details about one of my primary summer goals: losing weight. As a kid I was really active I'd say. I did some sports growing up and I LOVED to play outside all the time. Then I got really into swimming. Mind you I wasn't very good at anything but breaststroke, but hey I did qualify for All Stars in it twice. Anyways, for three years, 6th-8th grade I swam year round. I would get up and swim before school three or four days a week and swam in the summer. Physical activity was a pretty big part of my life and I never really worried about my weight. Then high school happened. A typical day for me in high school started at 5:15 a.m. I would get ready and eat breakfast and get out the door to attempt to be at my church by 6 (rarely were we on time but we tried) for seminary, a 45 minute class that members of the LDS church all around the world attend each morning all four years of high schoo...