Well today I took my last two finals, and I am officially DONE with my first year of college! I seriously just can't believe it!! This is nuts. I can't believe it's over! This has been the most amazing first year of college that I ever could have asked for! I have made the most amazing friends in the entire world! Samantha, my work out buddy and fellow lover of sarcasm, The Office, and Modern Family. I love our talks and she is such an amazing friend! I'm really going to miss our breakfasts at the Cannon Center! Kaylee, one of the most genuinely kind people I have ever met! I am so excited for her to be my roommate next year! She is so much fun and I just love her. Anna, who always gives me a laugh. She loves awkward situations and is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She introduced me to Harry Potter and is always so much fun to be around! Kate, who is just the bomb. She is hilarious! She knows my Uncle PHILIP. Small world right? She is so fun to talk to and I ...