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Showing posts from October, 2011

Just a Good Day!

Today was one of those days where nothing particularly huge happened. It was just full of a bunch of good little things. Today: -My new phone came in the mail! -I got so excited about setting up my new phone that I lost track of time. My first class starts at 10, and I glanced over at my clock and realized it was 9:55. I left right away and somehow still made it to class on time. What is usually about a 10 minute walk somehow only took 5 -I got to have lunch and catch up with Rachel today after two weeks of trying to coordinate our busy schedules -When the Verizon store lady activating my phone got evidently annoyed with helping me, instead of being mad, I just laughed and said to myself, "I'm in the real world now!" -I actually understood what was going on in Biology for once -my last two classes consisted of "watching movies" which really meant texting my friends and my cute sisters -I turned in my 8 page Anthropology paper, my first midterm, and a h...

My Life Recently!

The past couple weeks of school have been super stressful. Last week I had a million tests. Okay three, but it felt like a million. First was a Book of Mormon test. I was honestly shocked at how hard it was and convinced myself that I failed. Yesterday I was looking at my grades on Blackboard and discovered that I got a B on the test and have an A in the class! I did a little celebratory dance in my dorm. It was beautiful. Then I had tests in Biology and Sociology too. It was probably the most fun I've ever had. I already despise the Testing Center. You walk into that seemingly endless room full of desks and you can just feel the tension. It's awful. This week was my week of papers. Three to be exact. That was super fun too. WOO. Next Monday my midterms start! The fun never stops! However, in the midst of all the stress of school I've still managed to have some fun! First things first, IT SNOWED! IN OCTOBER! It didn't hit the ground, it just snowed in the mountains an...

Conference Weekend!

General Conference is amazing! I just love it every time! Conference weekend started out with the most amazing football game EVER on Friday night against Utah State! In the last few minutes of the game we were down by four points and needed one touchdown to win. In the couple minutes of the game, Riley Nelson led the offense to get the ball closer and closer to the end zone with a series of plays (yes I am VERY well versed in football...) With 15 seconds left in the game they scored a touchdown and the crowd went WILD!!!! We were screaming and going nuts! Then we all rushed the field! I thought I was gonna be trampled, but thankfully that did not happen. Even though a football player did accidentally smack me in the face. I was secretly a tad bit starstruck. It was so much fun!! I absolutely LOVED all of conference, but I'll just write about a few of the talks that were my favorites. I got SO excited when President Monson announced that the Provo Tabernacle was going to be rebuil...