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Showing posts from June, 2014

Finally Catching Up: My LAST London Post!

    First of all, I am eternally grateful to everyone who made it possible for me to spend the best seven weeks of my life travelling around Europe and living in London. I will cherish the experiences I have had and the friends I have made forever! Anyways, enough with the sappiness and onto my last few experiences abroad!     After our last Monday of classes, my friends Daniel, Olivia, and I ventured to Leicester Square to try and get tickets to Phantom of the Opera for that evening. The prices were a little outrageous, so we ended up booking for Tuesday night instead! We ended up just walking around for an hour and a half trying to find these book stores I wanted to go back to. Though we were ultimately unsuccessful, I love just walking around the different parts of London! The city is breathtakingly beautiful. On Tuesday, we were able to go to the London Temple! It was so neat to travel there as a group and be in the temple together! That evening Daniel, Olivia, ...

Cathedrals, and Afternoon Tea: Post #7 from London

This past week we did two of my favorite things that we've done the entire time I've been in England: attending a church service called Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral and going to afternoon tea at Kensington Palace. Canterbury Cathedral is an Anglican church, and Evensong is a musical service that they hold I believe every night, but don't quote me on that. Before we went to the cathedral for the service, we had quite the adventure. We had the chance to walk around the cathedral, and then we were given some time to explore the shops in Canterbury and find a place to grab some dinner before we returned for the service. I left the cathedral with three of my friends, and just outside the gates we were stopped by this lady who started asking us millions of questions about our clothes and where were from, and then insisted that she needed to take a picture with us. Naturally, we were a little suspicious and were clutching our bags. We finally were able to end the conversatio...

Hello from the Blog Slacker: Post #6 from London

So much has happened since this slacker has blogged, so I'll hit some of the highlights/funny stories from the past couple of weeks complete with some pictures of all of the neat stuff we have done! Time just flies when you're having the time of your life! 1. The Bird-Peeing Fiasco. So we took a day trip to Bath. It was a lovely, charming little city. We were having a delightful time, but we were starving so we went to find some food. My friends Sarah and Daniel and I selected a delicious-looking cafe to buy a sandwich and decided to enjoy the beautiful day by eating lunch outside. This was a critical mistake. Very critical. We ordered our food and were chatting while we waited when all of a sudden I felt some drops hit my head. I touched my hair and when I looked down at my hand there was GREEN goo on it. Sarah and I left our purses with Daniel and made an emergency trip to the bathroom to wash my hair out with soap and water. It was everywhere. Needless to say, my hair went...